So I am undertaking a Mindset Course – The Power of Mindset.
In a nut-shell, I am trying to get back some FOCUS and stop BAD habits and start GOOD habits.
My sleeping sucks. My focus sucks. My eating patterns suck. My exercise routine sucks.
But my procrastination is fabulous! Off the charts fabulous. Woo Hoo!
I want to get back to the focus I had pre-Covid. And I am not the only one feeling like this – I promise!
I saw a great Insta post by Business Chicks the other day, and I tagged a few of my fab female Colleagues in it. It goes like this:
How are you doing?
I’m fine.
And then terrible. And then crying. And then laughing. And then screaming. And then grateful. And then over it. And then determined. And then terrified. And then anxious. And then happy. And then exhausted.
All in the same minute.
This sums up how so many of us feel every day – completely and absolutely.
Wallow? Rock in the corner and cry constantly? (I did this already during Lockdown. The Husband gave me that; then he told me to put my Goddam Big Girl Pants On and get on with Life).
I loved him and hated him with equal passion when he said that.. I can only rock in the corner and cry when he is not at home now….
So – time to get on with it. And by ‘it’, I mean life. The ‘new’ life. The life ‘with and after’ Covid. The life with International travel nipped in the bud, clipped at the heels, stomped on, shattered like glass, pipped at the post, stopped in it’s tracks – Oh Good God! There can’t be anymore bad analogies can there? Nope. Time to get on with it.
So I signed up to a Mindset Course. Basically, I am going to cover the likes of below:
- How to gain awareness; looking at my blind spots; identifying the areas of my life that are slowing me down so that I can improve them.
- Identifying my core values and how these play a huge role in guiding important decisions – and how they can directly impact my level of success and satisfaction in life
- How to improve my thought processes; and let go of my limiting beliefs to equip myself with the right mindset.
- Find processes to set achievable goals.
- How to stay focused, committed, and motivated to pursue my dreams and achieve my objectives.
- How to stay calm, soothe my nervous system, and strengthen my mind.
- How to manage my time effectively to create a work-life balance.
- How to build a strong, loving and empowered relationship with myself
But what I have found incredibly reassuring – although I shouldn’t – is how many other people are feeling so vulnerable right now.
How fragile this situation has made so many of us.
I am going to set myself up a Morning Mindset routine. And it is going to look a lot like this:
- I am going to wake up and decide what sort of a day I am going to have.
- I am going to wake up and choose a word for the day – a word to use like a Mantra.
- I am going to get back into my Yoga practice and Salute the Sun every morning.
- I am going to earn a wee bit of Meditation.
- I am going to try out some breathwork.
- I am going to set myself up some Playlists: one to Activate me (in the AM) and one to De-Activate me (in the PM).
- I am going to switch off Mobile Phones at 8.30pm and NOT take my phone into the bedroom.
- I am going to refrain from looking at my phone until AFTER 7.30am.
- I am going to drink my morning coffee in the sun as opposed to at my (home-office) desk.
Watch this space!!!!
One of the major things I have taken out of these sessions to date, is something that I actually already knew, but quite often completely ignored; ‘Stay in Your Own Lane’.
This is obviously all about not comparing yourself with anyone else.
Not scrolling Insta & stalking other Companies and comparing them to you; they are doing something fabulous; why didn’t I think of that; why did I not think of going there? And so, and so on.
I have to believe – and remember -that what I am doing is fabulous. That I thought of that. That I have gone there.
It is all perception isn’t it?
So stay positive everyone, and go grab a Gratitude Journal and start scribbling!
Jemma and the Mai Journeys team…